Thursday, July 22, 2010

step children

I want to say first of all that step children and step parents get a bad rep and sometimes its not fair for people to say they are all bad.

A parent of 4 step children in my life,they all have brought me much happiness,I have never been disappointed in any of them.I love them with all of my heart and my life.I have amazing step children that I consider in my heart my own.they have brought me much happiness,joy and yes Patience.
I know i am not perfect and they know i am not. I gave my all and i try to give 200 percent and some days i only gave 50 percents.but through all my faults they still love me and they know as long as i am alive they will always have a roof over their head. my kids make mistakes and as well as i do. but i love them through it all-its not a conditional love its a genuine love.

I keep my kids in my prayers and they are always on my mind and yes i do worry about them-I want them to have a wonderful life and do good.

I know with the economy the way it is and finding a full time job is almost impossible.and i know they get frustrated and i at times don't know what to say or do.when relationships go sour and i see them hurting I feel helpless.I don't know what to say or what do you say during those times if i just stay in the background and watch them silently or do i reach out to them or what? I know they are adults and i know things comes along that will hurt them emotionally or when things don't always go there way.

when as a parent do I tell them its all going to be okay,or this to will pass.or just be there when they need me.i feel lost as a step parent at times.i feel i will fall short of their expectations or i will not be able to meet all their do i show them that i love them-i don't mean in words but by my they know that i love them or do they know that there is nothing i would not do for they know i hurt when they hurt,do they know i am happy when they are happy? that i feel their fustrations?

and i understand what they going through and how hard life really is.and that things don't always go your way and that I am there if they need me.
sometimes i wonder if they know any of theses things.

I don't always say it but i try to show it.I hope they know.............

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