Friday, August 12, 2011


Map of Israel, the Palestinian territories (We...Image via Wikipedia
you know over the many many decades there has been a struggle for the Gaza strip. why can not the Palestine keep this land and let them build upon it.they deserve the freedom as anyone be kept under the thumb of Israel and being bombed and killed by the hundreds and wondering if they are is not right the Americana government does nothing to help the Palestinians.forget what the media says and how they say we try to talk to the Israeli's government.

do you think we are concern for their well being and the freedom they so much deserve.its time for someone to be their voice and speak up for them.maybe if we start one blog at a time someone will finally wake up.
i have found so many links how they are treated and we sit back and pretend we do not see what is going on.people are dying over there from newborns to the elderly. as American people is that really right. how would you feel if you have family over there who were being killed and treated like common criminals.
how would you feel if you son, your daughter, your mother, your father or any other relative was being shot for just being palestinian.

we take for granted our freedom while others cannot even have a home or a place they can call their own country. is it not time we let them have the Gaza strip and build them homes and build them places so they can work and feed their family.provide simple things like food and medical supplies.
put an embargo on Israel until they listen and stop supplying them with weapons to kill the palestinians.

we supply them with air crafts,guns,bombs,grenades,bullets,tanks,ect ect ect. its time we stop this and free Palestine.

Day care centre, Gaza Strip, April 2009Image via Wikipedia

View of Gaza Strip from Israel - October 2009Image by David Berkowitz via Flickr

Smuggling Tunnel, Rafah, Gaza StripImage via Wikipedia

Damaged housing, Gaza Strip, April 2009Image via Wikipedia

Panorama di Gaza CityImage via Wikipedia

Confrontation – Jabalia Camp, Gaza Strip, Pale...Image by cromacom via Flickr

protest against Israeli airstrikes on Gaza Str...Image via Wikipedia

Israelis killed by Palestinians in Israel ( bl...Image via Wikipedia

Israeli Patrol – Gaza StripImage by cromacom via Flickr
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    Saturday, June 04, 2011


    The Oxford English Dictionary defines optimism as having "hopefulness and confidence about the future or successful outcome of something; a tendency to take a favourable or hopeful view." The word is originally derived from the Latin optimum, meaning "best." Being optimistic, in the typical sense of the word, ultimately means one expects the best possible outcome from any given situation.


    A multitude of research has emerged showing the intense relationships between several psychological constructs and health. Optimism is certainly one of these concepts, with correlation coefficients between .20 and .30.

     This research has shown that optimism can correlate with good health at many stages, including preventative health (making it less likely to experience illness), severity and duration of illness, and reduction of relapse chances. 

    However, Affleck, Tennen, and Apter (2001) studied optimism and health in terms of physical symptoms, coping strategies and negative affect for those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, and fibromyalgia.

     They found that optimists were not more likely than pessimists to report pain alleviation due to their coping strategies, though they did find significance in the psychological well-being of the two groups.

     A meta-analysis by Scheier, Carver and Bridges confirms the assumption that optimism is related to psychological well-being: “Put simply, optimists emerge from difficult circumstances with less distress than do pessimists.”
     Furthermore, the correlation appears to be attributable to coping style: “That is, optimists seem intent on facing problems head-on, taking active and constructive steps to solve their problems; pessimists are more likely to abandon their effort to attain their goals.”

    Researchers have stated that optimism may help prevent depression in teenagers

    OPTIMISM is something that is hard to have in this day and age and the way the economy is and the wars going on in different countries and no job and no find hope and to be positive is hard when things are looking down, your health, your financial situation, unemployment, trying to make ends meet or living in a country that there is war and praying you will survive the wars, the civil wars ect ect ect.

    the single mom or dad trying to raise kids on their own and trying to make sure they have a good education, clothes on their back, food and shelter.

    forget reading the paper or watching the news like CBS,ABC,NBC,CNN and so on.

    optimism: ultimately  means one expects the best possible outcome from any given situation.

    if you are unemployed then you look for a job. want ads in paper, looking for jobs on the Internet ,going to different places and putting in applications.

    raising children, doing the best you can and giving them rules to live by and place them in a school depending on their age that would be programs like head-start, elementary school, middle school, high school and or college or a trade school.

    their is many places that can help you while you are trying to provide for your children while looking for work or some source of income. churches, salvation army and other local organizations that will help with food and paying electrical bills ect. ect.

    A positive outlook does not always seem possible but its something you have to have to make it through life. why make yourself miserable and always look at things in a negative way.

    its an attitude adjustment and you have to start with yourself. its taking something and looking for the positive in everything you do and all the challenges you have to face. also it helps hanging with positive people. if you are around negative people then you will start being and seeing things like they do.

    get a new perspective on life and you will see the differences it will make.

    I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” jimmy dean

    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” Maria Robinson

    Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so that we can see Life with a clearer view again.” Alex tan

    “If you will call your troubles experiences, and remember that every experience develops some latent force within you, you will grow vigorous and happy, however adverse your circumstances may seem to be.” john Heywood

    A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” Winston Churchill

    Wednesday, March 30, 2011


    A map of the Byzantine Empire, c.1180ADImage via Wikipedia

    By: JOHN GALT (condensed version)

    The spiritual roots of the New World Order can be traced back to the biblical stories of the expulsion of Lucifer from heaven and the building of the Tower of Babel in Babylon. The economic and political roots can be found in the great empires of the ancient world--Egyptian, Sumerian, Chinese, Persian, Roman, Byzantine, and others. All of these were based on conquest by force of arms, and all eventually perished.


    Tower of Babel by Lucas van Valckenborch in 1594Image via Wikipedia

    A Map of the Byzantine Empire by 650 ADImage via Wikipedia

    The Byzantine Empire, c. 867 AD.Image via Wikipedia

    Reverse of the Great Seal of the United States.Image via Wikipedia

    Byzantine empire before the CrusadesImage via Wikipedia

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    Friday, March 11, 2011

    new world order,economic reforms,tsunami's and uprisings OH MY!!

    Internationally recognized symbol.Image via Wikipedia
    this year is not looking good either.economic collapse,tsunami in japan and nuclear plant leaking radiation,uprising in the middle east demanding democracy,new world order around the corner and much much more.

    The cost of oil is rising so the gas prices are going up up up and up.has anyone seen the price of food at the supermarket? pretty soon we will not be able to even buy toilet paper,toothpaste,soap and water.
    so far this year we have had a tsunami and middle east crisis to deal with.the tsunami has already claimed many lives and now with the leaking of radiation from their nuclear plant will cause alot more death to thoses who has already been exposed,not to mention the disease that will start to develope from lack of clean water and food.this is only the beginning for japan the quicker clean up efforts start the quicker things will get back to normal.even though the effect it has on the body and even effect people mentally,the horrors watching loved one being killed and swept away by the tsunami.thoses memories never go away,the nightmares will fade over time but they never really go away.there is always something that will trigger the nightmares to come back.
    NASA Satellite Image of Japan Captured March 1...Image by NASA Goddard Photo and Video via Flickr
    the middle east has been getting the news here this year as well.countries that has been under dictatorships has said enough is enough.they are demanding democrasy and freedom.we know both comes with a price.freedom is not free,it comes with the lost of lives,limbs and mental instabillity.that is the cost of freedom.

    Hanadi Al Thani - World Economic Forum on the ...Image by World Economic Forum via Flickr
    Middle east mapImage via Wikipedia
    Help GAZAImage by Falcon EyE via Flickr
    new world order comes under many disguises-many groups that has been around for forever,before american was ever founded theses groups started in europe and their power continues to rise has they have taken over our goverment as well as goverment all over the will not hear about them in the news or in your newspaper.they are a secret society.

    The Globalist Agenda represents a plan to bring all of Earth's inhabitants under the control of a single, global state. There is a small, but powerful group of individuals who are the architects and instigators behind the formation and implementation of this "New World Order". Using their influence through international organizations such as the IMF, World Bank, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the United Nations, NATO, and hundreds of other non-governmental organizations, the objective of these internationalists is nothing less than the subjugation of everyone on the planet as servants to a one world government (servants means slaves). A government run by the same small group of elite that have ruled the masses for a very long time under various guises. These elite are the descendents of those that ruled for at least the past 2 centuries - kings and queens, bankers, robber barrons, priests, and assorted subservient oligarchs and media representatives. Their desire for a return to a one world feudal state should come as no surprise to anyone who has read a little history. It is their nature after all.

    Choose LibertyImage by peace chicken via Flickr

    Uncle ShamImage by smallislander via Flickr
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    Thursday, March 10, 2011


    i been doing alot of reading and listening to
    alex jones- and going to and also to
    both thoses site has been eye openers for me-even though i have been aware of majority of the things he discussed for years.I just could never back up my claim or did i have the resources. i would recommend you do not take my word for it-but do your own research and with the internet you to will see what is coming in the near future.
    please arm yourself and learn the real truth.another site to check out is also this one.
    this is not a hit on president obama or any other president-we know they carry no power-the congress,the house and the senate has the power,the presidents are merely figureheads or puppets.

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