Thursday, March 29, 2007

my boring blogs continue on

you know when i first came here to blog and never understood why nobody read my blogs,well i figured something out-because they were very boringggggggggggggg.well tough-what else can i do-this is my journal with my thoughts and i like some of my blogs.this will be sweet and short tonight.if you read my blogs well thank you and if you don't read my blogs thank you as well.i realize this is more for me than anyone else-i am learning.thank you for the lesson


just idle thoughts

Well as spring starts to begin i look over my yard and like what i see.
i put down some triple 8 and ammonium nitrate.did all the edging around the house
planted some monkey grass(aztec grass)or whatever you want to call it.
i been making alot of yard improvements as i go.made my own trelis so i can run my pelican vines.and doing alot of fixings here and there and weeding.other than that most of my major projects are almost finish.most things has come back except for my hisbiscus bushes.all well.put something else in their rid of the green elephants ears last year.but kept the black ones.planted 2 century plants and i take the babies from them and use them for trade at the local nursey.we exchange cuttings with one another.and sometimes if they have a plant i really want we
they really good people at frasiers.

they remember my name but i can't remember theirs.i am really bad with names.
well thats all the news here.

later y'all