Friday, February 15, 2008

blogs in general

now i will admit i love reading other people blogs.i love browsing not just here on google but on different sites as i be the first to admit i know very little about blogging and really have no ideal about what is considered blogging.i know i type down my thought and share them.i have read numerous blogs and to many to count.i have gotten a lot of ideals from them but i don't use them for i feel i would be copying them and their i try to feel my way around and figure out where i stand and what makes my blog appealing to the general public.well i don't have numerous pictures or have a subject which i am very well at doing.i could tell you about my 10 years in the army or how i became a disabled vet or maybe a daily blog about my snakes.well snakes unlike most animals do not have a very interesting a dog or cat gets into a lot of things and do interesting things.where a snake pretty much stay curled up untill night time.i could talk about a lot of things but i try to find things that would be interesting to the normal person or average it is hard to find everyone will like.for people in general like several different things in life.not one person is the same and that is what makes us all unique.but i will continue to read blogs and continue to enjoy reading them.maybe just maybe i will find where i belong and something will pull me in the right direction.untill then i will continue to get ideals and see how i fit in the schemes of things.any ideals out there i can use all the help i can i get. thank you

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