Friday, August 18, 2006


why is it everybody feel the need to tell you about their religion.whether its protestant,catholics,Muslims,zen,orthodox,Hinduism,Judaism,Bahia,Taoism,Buddhism,Shinto,shakta,sikhism,paganism and new name just a few.why must their be wars in the name of our gods?

why is it people are ready to defend their religion with a sword,or a knife,or a gun,or even with a tank.

why do people get into heated arguments over which religion is the true one.whatever happen to just sitting down and with a cup of coffee or cola or whatever you drink and just we need to bring in religion.

a few years ago there was this thing going around the country called breaking down the walls.I had the chance to attend one of their was held at the coliseum and all different Churches was not about being a catholic,or baptist,pentecostal,or nondenominational,or white,black,Latino,Hispanic,African American,or any thing else for that matters.

it was about Jesus and praising his holy name and loving one another regardless of your skin color or what church you went lasted about a year or so and people were back in the same old rutted about how their church is the only way to get to heaven.if this offends anyone maybe you need to go back and evaluate your life or just pass this post up.

this is just my opinion and you have the option whether to read this or not to read this.
now where was might be asking OK what religion am I promoting or what church am i trying to get you to fact none of them.Jesus will lead you the way,He will tell you if he wants you at this church or that church.
all I here to do is proclaim the Name of Jesus.
not here to to shove it down your throat or make you believe.that's not my job to get you to believe,I just want to share Jesus with you on a personal level.

this is not about religion,or a church it is just about a man from Galilee who came to this world and spread his love to the world.his message of hope,love,and healing and much much your bible,i realize their is so many different types of versions out there.i can't help you there,i like the king James version,the new king James version and the new international version.

but that what I like,anyway ,search the scriptures and search for the truth and seek will find will come to those who seek it.but let us get away from religion and who church is the better church.must we fight one another under the name of God.and stop arguing about whose church is the right church and can't we just join hands and pray together as one.I don't care what your race is or your color is or your creed.can't we all just join together as brothers and sisters.i realize i am just talking in the wind.I really have no doubt that anyone will read this for I am no scholar or some journalist or some famous person.I am just me who you see in the store or on the streets or in a restaurant or i am the one that fixed your food or the person who delivered it to your table,or maybe the one you almost ran down when i was crossing the street and you refused to stop at that red light.

maybe i am the one you just cut off in traffic cause you were in a hurry and didn't care that i had kids in my car and caused me to swerve and run off the road and my kids were hurt.

maybe you are the one who came into my store and shoplifted something you really didn't need just to see if you could get away with it.

just maybe i was the one who was hungry and asked you for some food,or maybe even a drink of water and you just laughed at me and told me to get lost.

maybe i am one of the many who lost their home to hurricane Katrina and you sat back and said oh well that is what you get for living on the coast.

i pray that wherever you live and if you lose someone or something that someone doesn't say well if they only didn't drink and drive,or only if they didn't smoked,or only if they didn't live in tornado alley or only they didn't live on a fault line or they lived where there is snow and your roof caved in because of the weight of the snow.
oh well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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