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I don't mean the crying from a lost one or from a breakup or whan a child is born or when somebody gets married.
I mean right out of the blue you are so down and you start crying and crying for no known wish it would go away but you seem to go deeper deeper down in the dumps.
people ask you where does it hurt or what is wrong? how do u explain it when you don't even know yourself.I end up hiding in my room for no one understands and when they see it it makes them upset or some will say you are trying to get attention. that is the one thing i get tire of hearing is he is trying to get attention. if i wanted attention i would run down the middle of the street yelling and no clothes on. but you have to hide in your room so no one knows but you.for its not anyones fault or no blame to happens and it sucks to high heaven.
you want the pain in your heart to go away,you want the depression that is bringing it on to go away. you would do about anything to get rid of the crying.yes even it means ending your life-I have problem with ending my life i made a promised not to do again and i will stick to my promise come hell or high where does that put me-i reckon in limbo not living but not are just there and glad another day has ended and dread when morning comes.and it starts all over again. somedays i have a good morning or a good afternoon-but it seems it is always evening time when i am at my worse. one day just one day is all i ask that i can have a wonderful day and nothing to bring me down.
just one day is all i ask.