this song says it all pretty much.ever get tired of people trying to mold you to what they think you should be like?
your friends,your spouses,your boyfriend or girlfriend,your parents or your co-workers or your boss and the list goes on and on and it gets longer and longer.
pretty soon, you no longer know who you are and your dreams and thoughts are someone elses.we are miserable and somewhere along the way if you are one of the lucky ones you finally get tired of it all.
You finally take a look in the mirror and realize this is not you and you are tired of being someone else and you are tired of people molding you into what they want you to be.
we have missed some opportunities or missed out on some things we could have enjoyed because we want to please the other person and it doesn't fit into the mold they have you in.
its time you look into that mirror and take a long hard look and are you happy with what you have become,and are you who you want to be.remember only you can make yourself happy.
you are the only person who knows what you really like and you should be able to think for yourself and live your life.
don't get caught up in someone who tells you what person you should see or tell you who to hang out is to short and we only have this life to live and be what you want to be and be who you are.
LET ME BE MYSELF-should be your motto-if you want to go a particular church you should,or to a certain club or to a certain restaurant or its not cool to hang out with a certain person because they are fat,skinny,ugly,pretty,tall,short or they have a different life style or they poor or rich,old or young,or handicapped or disabled or just different. its your choice who you want as a friend or a boyfriend or girlfriend or who you want to marry. its your choice and thats the way it should be.(but most time it isn't)and that is a shame!!!!!