first of all i am sick and tired of all this political correctness garbage.secondly is all of this i am an African American or I am a native american or I am an asian american.if you live in any of the 50 united states you are an american.
only person i know of that can actually call himself an african american is Mr.Barack Obama because is father was African and his mother is American.majority of African American great great great grandparents were from african not them.Yea i know so what do we call them when it comes down to applications?well whoever came up with black is down right colorblind-the color is brown(there is a few exceptions where there is some who are pitch black)how about me-they say i am white-lmao i am not white-i am caucasian.but i can't go around saying i am irish american because my history goes far far back so they consider me just an american.why does some race get to use their heritage and others not? But while i write I keep trying to think of what they can called the African American instead of that.hmmmmm,black man,brown man(the problem with that is that can also mean asians,middle easterners as well)so I reckon we are back to where this begin at.african american i reckon is the only name we can think of or my solution is just learn their name and call them that-like president elect barack obama-we will call him mister or president obama and not by what his race is.the main reason for writing this is simple-first to grab your attention and secondly forget that they are african,asian or native american,get to know there name and that will get rid of all the rest of the confusion.
okay i am off my soapbox for the night.