well its time to reflect over the past year and look at the things we did wrong or what we accomplished or etcetera.this past year we experienced a hurricane which really did no damage to us here on the Mississippi coast(speaking for myself only)but Louisiana which is still crippled from Katrina got hit twice along with Texas and several other states.we also elected in a new president Barack Obama,we also see where a lot of people lost a lot of money in the market-and we saw a 700 billion dollar bailout and wondering where that money went.most of us received a small check from the government to help boost the economy-we lost some celebrity along the way to death,and some new ones were made and more reality shows were aired on the TV,and the ever repeating doom that televisions that depends on antennas will no longer work after february 2009.where banks are merging and the car companies are in need of money.of course that means if they run out of money that means thousands of people out of jobs and it in the long run will hurt the economy.I imagine before it is over we will have to bail them out.
as for me and my family we have had a good year,we don't dapper in the stock market so we didn't lose no money there(like we have that kind of money)and our overall health is pretty good and like everything and everyone else we have had our ups and downs but we are still here and going strong-i hope each and everyone of you have a wonderful year and may it be prosperious and healthy.
GOD BLESS EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU- happy new year(2009)