Sunday, April 27, 2008

what next?

after hearing about the fighting among kids and then posting it on you tube.not one on one but a group of kids ganging up against has gotten out of hand and to think our future of this country is in their hands.where was the parents when this was happening?do they no longer care what their children do?of course at writing it has died down and everyone has gone on with their lives like it never happened.are we so numb that after a few days it is old news and no one really cares or have we just got use to the violents and thankful it was not one of us or our kids.its not going to die down in the case of the poor kids who gets ganged up against and the anger it caused the parents.this will keep up until someone say enough!!!!!
parents take responsibilty of your kids and put a stop to it and do it before more get beat up or injured or crippled or dead.this has to stop and it has to start in the home.don't let peer pressue put u as someone who don't want to do this and do it cause u afraid of not being accepted by your peers.stand up and stand out-it has to start with someone so why not you? isn't it time to say enough is enough?or do u care less what is it you next time.what would stop your so call friends to turn against you and do the same? its always not me its always the other person-who do u think the other person is? look in the mirror it could be you next and you will wonder why but it will be to late. before you have to attend a funeral of someone you love or care for or even a sister or a brother or cousin. or even YOU!!!!!!!!!