Saturday, August 08, 2009

president Barack Obama

I can't believe how people can be so stupid as to threaten our president.hate him or love him he is our need to pray for him and ask Jesus to guide his life and that he will do the right thing.already in the short time he has been in office they are condemning him and saying he is selling us short.I don't know all the ends and out of politics but i know you do favors for favors etc etc. our system is not perfect nor is the people who runs this country.remember they are men and women like you and I and they do make mistakes.but to threaten them any of them is thing writing a letter and saying you don't like what he is doing or maybe proposing a different way is OK.but to out right threaten him is wrong very wrong.I don't expect him to perform miracles but for him to do his job the best of his ability.people forget that he has to go through senators,congress and the before you get mad at him or think he is not doing a good job look at your state elected representatives.they can help him or hinder him-they will do what they think is best for your state.(well i know u r laughing at this)but that is what they are suppose to be doing.I will continue to pray for our president as well as the other chosen leaders and pray that GOD will direct them in the days ahead.I am not a big Obama follower but i will support him as long as he hold the office of president and for you people who don't like him go to the polls in 4 years and vote for who u want,you have a choice so make it and vote.myself i think he is trying to do to many things at one time and i think that is what hurting him,but if he keeps up what he is doing and keeps doing what he says he will do,he will have my vote this next time.but i have 4 years to decide and he has 4 years to be president. let the man do his job,stop with the threats already and give him a cannot judge his actions just by a few months in office.forget the color of his skin,forget his religious preferences,forget about his background or his parents,judge the man's action not the man.for he is a man and he is human and yes he will make mistakes for we all do.just pray for him.