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life sometimes gives you things that needs to brought up and put down in print and whether or not someone reads it or not that it is still out there available for the public to see.if one person has read anything i wrote and it has helped them, then i have accomplished what i set out to do.
people do not what to hear what is going next door or down the street or even in their own family,so they shut it out and turn their backs to it.I don't understand this way of thinking has become a me generation,where can you do for me,or what is in it for me.its about self gratification.
you see people suffering all the time and going hungry in our own back yard and we do nothing about i realize in this economy it is hard to be giving when u cannot take care of you and your family.
but alot of things i talk about can be done with just a phone call to the right people-or something that is always free is a prayer directed their this day and time of scams and people you don't know begging for money for drugs,alcohol,gambling is not helping them. if some is hungry go buy them a hamburger-giving them money you really don't know what they are using it for. you have to use common sense.
other than the above mention there is other people who we can help or even you know someone who is being abused,or has been raped or someone who is suffering from some emotional for help for them or being a shoulder for them to cry on. someone who needs someone to lean on.
don't be afraid to dial 911 to help someone.what has happened to us as a nation and as the whole world tends to not be concern with all the hidden traumas and abuse of women and they hide the poor in a part of town no one goes to.or they chase them out of town so it looks like they have a picture perfect little town.
be the first and make a differences in your area and get involved with charity groups,volunteer and you see and feel better and you feel you have accomplished something.its time we stop turning a deaf ear to what is around and do something about it.