Image by 8ght via Flickr
kids do not come with an instruction manuals when they are learn from your parents or friends or you just learn as you go.books are not design for every child out there.most parenting book is usually based around how they raise their kids.each kid is different and what might work on one child does not work on the other.
if you are using parenting books to help you raise your child,let me tell you right now that you will fail or will not be able to meet their expectation of what makes a good parent. the books will help some parents but not all.
if we try to compare our self to our parents or your friends and you fall short of what kind of parent they are you are setting yourself up for failure.
we see some kids with designer shoes,clothes and the latest gadgets and electronics devices.we can't afford these nice luxury things.if we do we will go in debt or we will just have to go without the basic necessities.
does that make us failures as parent,no it does not-not everyone can afford the latest devices or the newest game or buy a wii,x-box,playstation 3 or a really expensive computer.
we do the best we can with the money we have and the know how and provide them with food,clothes and a roof over their head.we make sure they see a doctor and a dentist to keep them healthy and have a healthy smile as well.
yes sometimes we lose out temper,sometimes we don't always make our kids happy.
but a failure that does not make. nothing wrong with advice if that is all it is,and we can decide if that is the best route for our child.
the failure comes in when we can't get everything we want for our child,or we feel and start second guessing our self like should I have send my child to his room for a time out,should i not of punished them or was i to harsh or not harsh enough.
stop second guessing yourself,stop listening to all the negative things you hear from someone who thinks they can do better.
we are human and we will make mistakes and we will learn from our mistakes.
just take it one day at a time and stop being so hard on yourself.