Image by dreamsjung via Flickr
but i also understand why so many people don't.
Alot of insurances don't cover it or if they do its not much.
I know someone who has 2 insurances and it will pay for surgery or any other care without a copay. the problem even with theses 2 insurances in order to see an psychiatrist or a Psychologist this person has to come up with over $200.00usd before even being seen.that is the copay they have to pay.
now tell me what is wrong with this picture and explain to me why having 2 insurances will not pay more or even the whole thing.
they will tell you if you have 2 insurance policies you should never be charged with any kind health care ie surgery,broken bones, yearly physical,mammograms,prostrate exam,cancer,heart surgery to name a few expensive treatments.
my point is your insurances covers pretty much everything and when you have 2 you suppose not have to pay anything.(now i know some people might disagree with me and might have 2 insurance and still have to pay something
and i don't doubt it,i am mainly talking about myself and the few people i know that this refers to.)
I can't speak for all insurances for there is many and i have no knowledge of them.nor will i mention the above companies for maybe its not all cases that it affects.
I can only speak about the few cases i do know about now with that being said this is not a knock on all insurance companies.
back to my story-how can someone with mental illness get help when one they can't afford it or maybe if it has kept them from working there is a big chance they can't even afford it. if you are not in this situation i would call your HMO or your insurances and see what they do carry and how much the copay so you will not be in for a surprise.even if today you are not suffering from any mental condition,how about your kids or your spouse. make sure they are covered just incase.
I don't wish this on anyone child or adult,it could happen and maybe it will never happen.
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