Pronunciation: \rē-ˈa-lə-tē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural re·al·i·ties
Date: 1550
1 : the quality or state of being real
2 a (1) : a real event, entity, or state of affairs
3 : television programming that features videos of actual occurrences (as a police chase, stunt, or natural disaster) —often used attributively
— in reality : in actual fact
taken from Merriam-Webster's online dictionary.
reality is a part of life that we can't get rid of.
now there is some people who has a different picture of reality.
reality has a way of hitting you right in between the eyes. sometimes it has a way of telling you are wrong when you thought you was right.
REALITY is what you make of it and it also lets you see things as they are not what people what you to see.good example is all the oil that is in the gulf of Mexico-they say it is almost all gone and i wonder where all those million of gallons of crude oil went to.there has not been that much oil that has washed ashore. the reality is alot of it is still out there. the media doesn't always show you the reality that we know it,they have their own reality.
reality seen through the eyes of a child,a teen or an adult is all different.even reality is what it is but reality through the eyes of each person is going to be different.what i think is reality may not be what you perceive it to be.
REALITY maybe its time we find out what reality really is-I don't mean the reality shows you see on television or movies or cable.even the media stretches out what reality really is.the newspaper reality is what sells and what doesn't and all we have left is just stories that sells and the reality is buried under all the garbage we have to shift through to get it.sometimes it is hard to find and reality gets a little out of focus and sometimes stretch out so much you are more confuse than when you started.
reality you know is like you lose someone,someone passes on, you have a child,you get married,you get divorce, thoses are realities you know 100 percent are real not mired by news or the internet but you see it and you know that as reality.outside of your life you have to figure out what is reality and not garbage.
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