I have noticed over the years things like suicide,children abuse,women abuse among other things are swept under the rug.I have read,seen,heard about the villain is set free to attack another person.I am fed up with our justice system and the way they are set free.
how can someone sleep well at night and not worry during the day if it won't happen again and again.theses are ruined soul and sometimes can't be repaired-it only really pisses me off how people have no care about other living soul around them.
they only think of them self and don't care who they ruin and destroy in the process.so if you think my blogs are negative or depressing then think about the victims who lives has been taken from them and now i will post much more untill people wake up and look around them and starting to help others.reach out your hand give then hope and help them with the healing process.
one of the reason they never heal cause they have no one who will help them heal or someone who can drive them to get healed. or just be there for them
stop looking the other way and stop hiding your head under the ground like an ostrich-cause if you know about it or see it and do nothing about it you are just as guilty,its like you also committed the same act.
i have no sympathy for people like that and i think they should lock them up and throw away the key.and wait and let them die a slow death or put them in the same cell as bubba.or let the whole proson know what they did and that will save alot of tax payers money.
just my 2 cents and alot more to come so people hold onto your seats cause more blogs are on the way and you have not heard nothing yet.
so be prepared.
this is only the beginning and help is on the way who needs it and needs it bad.somewhere they know they can go and feel safe.and start the healing process.my goal is to provide the addresss and links they can go to start the healing process.
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