Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Ways to spot a drunk driver:

Ways to spot a drunk driver:
A car can be a lethal weapon when operated by a drunk driver. A driver may be drunk if the vehicle:
Makes wide turns.
Straddles the center line or weaves back and forth.
Exceeds the speed limit or drives unusually slow.
Comes close to hitting another vehicle or object.
Drives off the road or into an oncoming lane of traffic.
Swerves, drifts or follows too closely.
Stops for no reason or turn abruptly or illegally.
Signals inconsistently or drives at night with no headlights.
Remember, drunk drivers are dangerous and my not be avoidable. If you suspect someone is driving drunk, keep your distance, jot down the license plate number and call the authorities.
Source: News & Notes from State Farm newsletter than came with our auto insurance bill. www.statefarm.com

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