I really haven't took the time to put this on this page as of yet.i have no ideal how many people actually read my blogs if any at all.(well i know of one)thank you lisa for leaving comments-at least i know of one person.
anyway here i go rambling again.i want to take this time to blog in this space my thanks.
I am one of the many victims from hurricane katrina,who just happened to survived as well as the many thousands others.
this is not what this about.
I want to thank everyone from volunteers,laborers,donators(if this is a word)whether you handed out water,ice,food(mres)hot food,cold food,trash picker upper,people who donated time,money,food ,water,clothes,books(If not for the books i would totally of lost my mind.)
my thanks goes out to even the ones who even just prayed.prayers to me is the most important thing.
the first time i got some cold cold water i thought i was in heaven.then slowly we got some food,than we got some hot food.we were slowly returning to this time era.we lose everything its like in the old old days when there was no electricity,no running water,no bathrooms at all,no building to call home.
then one day we woke up and we heard them,the telephone trucks,the electric truck,the tree remover trucks,red cross,truck loads after truck loads of ice and water,and than the food,then the clothes and other supplies,yes lines were long,people were never turned away untill they ran out of supplies,the trucks just kept coming.our heartfelt thanks goes to everyone of you and my prayers goes out to you and your.may GOD bless you now and forever.
the volunteers pour out over our cities,counties and states like locust.they were welcomed with open arms and alot of graditude. you all know who you are-thank you, thank you, thank you-
i can never say it enough.for once it proves that the world as a whole join together and helped out us who faced a major crisis. thank you(Dankie ,Faleminderit,Thoinks, Moite!, grĂ cies, merci,
Kia Manuia ,Dekuji,Danke sehr,Efkaristo poly,Grazie tanto, Domo arrigato ,Kamsa hamaida,Takk ,Salamat ,Maraming Salamat ,Spasiba,Gracias a todos,Muchas gracias ,)
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