well we celebrated our 1 year anniversary of hurricane katrina here on the mississippi coast and alot of stuff was going on.memorial services,regrand opening of beau rivage and tribute to the ones we lost here on the coast.it was a somber event of what we have been through and where we are at today.boy did this year ever go by fast.and so much still left to do here on the mississippi coast.we made not get news coverage like news orleans but at least we got the help that they didn't.
for all of you who feel sorry for new orleans you all have been fooled.their levees broke when caused the flooding and the levee broke not because of the storm,but because the levee was not up to standards and termites were eating away the wood and time has also took away the levee's holding power or so to say.yes new orleans may of suffered some lost,but compare to the mississippi coast and the alabama area we both suffered the worst blunt of the storm.new orleans gets coverage because it is a city everyone knows. well regardless of the news the superdome is open once again and the mardi gras was a big success.and bourbon street is up and running,and they are still the center of the news.I just wished the jounalist and newspaper get their act together and report the news as a whole and not what they want to.I have no love lost over news people at all,how they twist stories to fit them and keeping us informed i shall give them a f- and maybe one day we will have some good ones like we use to have.
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