I don't have to prove that I am not. I don't have to prove that I am not.
live my life be kind to everyone don't have to make remarks like I am color blind or I have
other race friends. all i need to do is just be myself. try to understand how they are feeling.
just know I can be there for them I can never actually know what they are going through.
I have a advantage over them even though it is not fair I am white and I can't change that.
I realize life is not fair, I understand other races are set up to fail. after reading these books I listed
in antiracist. I realize blacks, African American are set up to not make it. only a very few
actually make it.
I still have more rights even though we are suppose to have equal rights. even though
in the constitution it says all men are equal and we are not. in 2021 why are African Americans still fighting for their rights?????????????????
why are they serving more time in prison then the white who gets less time for the same crime.
why will whites move up the ladder faster for the same job and sometimes not as smart as the African American.
the African American can have the college degree ,master degree, and so on and will get pass over.
how many more years will it take.
the year 2021 all they are asking is fair treatment and stop treating all of them like criminals.
when you see a black person what do you see?
a criminal? a person? someone who is less than human?
its times to stop turning the other way when you see injustice being done. if you feel someone who is better than you deserved the promotion speak up. you see someone being picked on in school because they are black or different speak up and stand by them.
put the shoe on the other foot how would you feel?
before judge someone walk a mile in their shoe.
look at American history and see how they were treated. they fought in every war we have been involved in they have earned their rights. even though
they fought in the war and loss brothers, fathers, uncles and grandfathers and so on.
they are vets, educators , first responders, and so on.
I have to ask am I a racist? well I know when I fall down I go back and get my head straight and go back to the person or persons I offended and ask for their forgiveness.
be sincere about it and ask what I can do differently.
I am human so I know I will make mistake its not an excuse I have to realize I can't fall back on that be above that. continue to learn continue to make my strong point stronger and my weak point even stronger.
their are lots of books and even people who can help you to not be that person who hates everything that is not white. does not mean you turn around and start hating your own race we already have enough of that already.