Thursday, July 22, 2010
step children
A parent of 4 step children in my life,they all have brought me much happiness,I have never been disappointed in any of them.I love them with all of my heart and my life.I have amazing step children that I consider in my heart my own.they have brought me much happiness,joy and yes Patience.
I know i am not perfect and they know i am not. I gave my all and i try to give 200 percent and some days i only gave 50 percents.but through all my faults they still love me and they know as long as i am alive they will always have a roof over their head. my kids make mistakes and as well as i do. but i love them through it all-its not a conditional love its a genuine love.
I keep my kids in my prayers and they are always on my mind and yes i do worry about them-I want them to have a wonderful life and do good.
I know with the economy the way it is and finding a full time job is almost impossible.and i know they get frustrated and i at times don't know what to say or do.when relationships go sour and i see them hurting I feel helpless.I don't know what to say or what do you say during those times if i just stay in the background and watch them silently or do i reach out to them or what? I know they are adults and i know things comes along that will hurt them emotionally or when things don't always go there way.
when as a parent do I tell them its all going to be okay,or this to will pass.or just be there when they need me.i feel lost as a step parent at times.i feel i will fall short of their expectations or i will not be able to meet all their do i show them that i love them-i don't mean in words but by my they know that i love them or do they know that there is nothing i would not do for they know i hurt when they hurt,do they know i am happy when they are happy? that i feel their fustrations?
and i understand what they going through and how hard life really is.and that things don't always go your way and that I am there if they need me.
sometimes i wonder if they know any of theses things.
I don't always say it but i try to show it.I hope they know.............
In laws
times are hard and friends are hard to find.and when you can't depend on your own family i KNOW i can depend on them. when you have the support i haVE and if you are fortunate like me you will understand what i am saying.
once again i want to say thank you to all of them and maybe one day i can repay your kindness that you have shown to me.for allowing me into your family and accepting me for me.
thank you.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
bp oil crisis
so far 5 states has been affected by this oil.Texas,Louisiana,Mississippi,Alabama and some of the outer islands over by Florida.they want us to spread that are beaches are clear and free of oil and tarballs.its a day by day process,what might be free of today may not tomorrow.our local government and the local personnel has all pitched in to keep this problem from getting on our beaches.we have all pulled together and doing what we can. well the bad news-we are in hurricane season and august is the high point of our if any of us get hit by even a tropical storm how much of that oil will be washed ashore our beaches,roads and houses along the coast.pray we don't have anything close to a Katrina or a camille.even a cat 1 can really push oil in closer to shore and even maybe up some no one has address this problem as of needs to be address and soon rather than later.its like no one has even thought about it or maybe they not worried about since there is no storm forming out there as of this morning.once again all we can do is watch and wait and pray we have not alot of oil washing on our shores.louisiana is suffering the worse thus far.already oil has invaded their marshes and into lake pontchartrain.
Related articles by Zemanta
- Oil seeps into New Orleans' Lake Pontchartrain (
- Rescued Gulf turtles released on Atlantic coast (
- You: Texas Remains Stoic as Spill Hits Its Shores (
- Distant hurricane pushes oil onto beaches (
Saturday, July 10, 2010
If You are Suicidal....
because of thoughts of suicide
Please call 911 now
If you are not in the U.S., please call your local emergency number.
There is help for you. Stay on the phone with the operator and wait for help to arrive. Do not hesitate to call. Your life is extremely valuable, and people care about you. Please reach out for help. Never act on your thoughts of suicide. Never.
If you are not in immediate danger because of thoughts of suicide, but need someone to talk with about your suicidal feelings, please do not hesitate to call one of the following national suicide prevention lines:
1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)
Suicide Prevention Lines
You may call these suicide prevention numbers from anywhere in the United States, 24 hours a day. People are waiting to help you. Call a suicide prevention number right now if you need to. And always remember that it is never okay to act on your thoughts of suicide. Never. Again, call a suicide prevention number now if you need to.
Never act on your thoughts of suicide.
Extensive suicide prevention hotline numbers, categorized by country or state, can be found on the Suicide Prevention Hotlines pages of this web site. Go to the Suicide Prevention Hotlines index page now if you need to.
Suicide is never the answer.
Getting help is the answer.
If you do not need to call any of the suicide prevention numbers above, then please read on. . .
Welcome, my friend, you are not alone. I am very pleased that you are here. And let me remind you that there is nothing more important than your life. Nothing.
My name is Kevin Caruso. I am the Executive Director of and I would like to share some important information with you. The first thing that I want you to know is that virtually every person that I have talked with who attempted suicide, and survived, was glad that they lived. So the emotions that were causing the suicidal feelings did pass. Things got better; the sun did come out. So, let me extend that hope to you.
If you are in intense emotional and/or physical pain, remember that your judgment is being clouded by that pain. If you are considering suicide, you are trying to end that pain. Please do not confuse ending your pain with ending your life. The two are very different.
Let me also tell you that if you are suicidal, you probably are suffering from clinical depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, postpartum depression, PTSD, or something similar. And if you have something along these lines, you actually have a chemical imbalance in your brain -- and you cannot possibly think straight because of it. That is beyond your control. You are not weak. You just need some treatment. This imbalance can occur for several reasons, from genetics to a traumatic life experience, and it is extremely common for people to have this imbalance, so do not feel like you are alone. You are not.
This imbalance may be rectified in several ways, but first you need to be assessed so that the cause may be understood. I would request that you please go to a medical doctor.
The doctor can determine if there is a secondary problem (such as a thyroid problem) that is causing the imbalance. If so, an appropriate medication may be prescribed to you. Next, you should visit a therapist. This will allow another assessment to occur and will also allow you to begin talking about your feelings. If the therapist determines that you need a prescription, he or she may refer you to someone who may assist you in that area.
Please leave the option open for taking medication. Some people erroneously believe that they can simply use will power to control their suicidal feelings. The problem with this thinking is that, again, there is probably a chemical imbalance in the brain. And that needs to be treated with medicine. So let me ask you this, my friend. If you had a broken leg, would you get treatment or would you just keep walking on it, writhing in pain, and trying to convince yourself that you just needed will power to overcome the pain? You would get treatment, and you would do so immediately. You would not even think twice about it. And I would most respectfully submit to you that your situation is similar. If you are diagnosed with clinical depression, or something similar, then there is a physical cause for your condition. And you need to seek treatment immediately. It is not just emotion. Please understand this, my friend. The brain, after all, is an organ. And sometimes needs treatment.
If you cannot afford to see a doctor or therapist, please seek out some clinics that have reduced rates. There are many affordable places to go. You can call 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) or 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) to get listings for clinics in your area. Do not hesitate to call. You can also check in your phone book.
After your initial assessment, you will need to see a therapist long enough to work through all of the issues that are bothering you. Do not be in a hurry -- things will get better. You may feel like you are on an emotional roller coaster ride, but those ups and downs will level out.
My friend, thank you so very much for being here. It means a lot to me because the mere fact you are here indicates that you are reaching out, and that you really do want to live. So, I want you to do something else that is very important. Please make a commitment to stay alive. To not die by suicide, no matter what. Make this commitment for all of the people who care for you, and for yourself. Remember that if you try to end your pain by ending your life, you will start a world of pain for the loved ones that you leave behind. And you will deprive yourself of many wonderful things that you have yet to experience.
Thank you for making that commitment.
Now, my friend, I have told you the things that you should do. So, please get started. Please make an appointment right now to see a doctor and a therapist. If you can't do it now, do it as soon as possible. I care about you very much, and I love you very much, so I want you to get better as soon as possible.
One final thing. Relax. That's right. Relax. Take some deep breaths and do something that you enjoy that relaxes you. Take a bath. Go for a walk. Listen to some nice music. Just take it easy. And engage in these activities that relax you on a regular basis. And let me tell you, my friend, you are on your way. On your way to a better life.
Always remember that there are phone numbers that you can call
24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
from any location in the United States:
Take care of yourself, and take action now. Your life is extremely important.
And do not forget the commitment that we made together, that you will not end your life -- that you will never, ever, under any circumstances end your life.
You are awesome!
You are a great person!
And I love you!
Take care,
Kevin Caruso
Founder, Executive Director, Editor-in-Chief
Senior Writer, Forum Administrator
top 10 ways to cheer up
10.)breathe-conscious breathing can help reduce stress and tension.focusing on your breathing keeps your attention on the present moment and is a common component of meditation,a proven stress reducer.breathe deeply and slowly,noticing each breath you inhale and exhale.
9.)laugh-laughter is the best medicine.keep handy a book of jokes or favorite comic strip cartoon.when you feel blue,immerse yourself in the humor and go for the stomach-aching full laugh.deep laughter improves your immune system and helps you keep life's problems in perspective.
8.)return to nature-go for a walk in a park,sit by a fountain,or gaze at a poster of your favorite place.reflecting on a beautiful natural scene can lift your spirits.
7.)gratitude-make a brief list of three to five things in your life for which you are grateful.reflect on each item and identify the positive way it impacts your life.
6.)give of yourself-providing an uplifting message or thought to someone else also lifts you up.helping others moves your focus and will improve your spirits.
5.)exercise-a brisk walk or any other form of physical exercise will improve your mood.
4.)daydream-recall a great vacation or a wonderful time in your life.
3.)use a strength-we all have unique strengths,capabilities at which we are particularly talented at.use or more of your strengths in some activity.
2.)tend to something you care about-tend to a garden,apet,ect.when we tend something we provide we provide a loving,caring attention to it that is a form of giving.
1.)apologize-guilt and regret can hang around us like a lead weight,bringing on mild depression without our awareness of the cause.offer up a sincere apology for things you've done or said that offended or hurt'll feel the relief of your burden or regret even if you aren't able to personally deliver that apology.
supplied by department of veterans affair.
Sunday, July 04, 2010
music piracy
we depend on bestbuy,target,wal-mart and kmart for our music and barnes and nobles book store. because of the economy and people not buying cds at stores we have seen wal-mart and k-mart cut their music section down a whole lot. I don't blame the stores for if a product don't sale it is just taking up space and they are losing money or I should say they are not making money for that product. barnes and nobles always has a great selection of all genres of music as well as bestbuy. target is new here so I don't know if that is all they have ever carried or if they have also been hit by people not buying the music. as more and more people find more ways to obtain free music via the internet or someone burning them a free the long run the artist are suffering as well as the music industry.then in turn we the ones who does buy our music whether it be from itunes or Napster, or from other legal sources like our local store. I know a new artist must have a hard time making it when people don't obtain their music from legal sources and people continue to pirate a cd or a single.
I feel if i buy my music so should everyone else-but if everyone had that same thinking the music industry would not be hurting.I don't condone piracy but i also understand why people started doing it. cds were going for almost 20 dollars a pop and that mean you might be able to buy 1 or 2 a month or maybe none at the economy goes more and more downhill the more we all will feel the pinch. as things go up in prices like insurances and food-we will see the music industry suffer more and more. I wonder with the internet constantly growing and getting better and better that there is not a system to control the way music is being downloaded illegally. that doesn't mean someone who happens to download one or 2 songs illegally are fined huge but the place that they got the song they got illegally should be the one who is fined. if there was not a site you can go to to get free songs then that would cut down the illegal downloading. I realize if you shut down one site there is another one ready to take its place. but there needs to be a better system than what is in place and that will work.
if you interested in the articles i have read you can go to this site listed below.