Tuesday, December 30, 2008

happy new year

well its time to reflect over the past year and look at the things we did wrong or what we accomplished or etcetera.this past year we experienced a hurricane which really did no damage to us here on the Mississippi coast(speaking for myself only)but Louisiana which is still crippled from Katrina got hit twice along with Texas and several other states.we also elected in a new president Barack Obama,we also see where a lot of people lost a lot of money in the market-and we saw a 700 billion dollar bailout and wondering where that money went.most of us received a small check from the government to help boost the economy-we lost some celebrity along the way to death,and some new ones were made and more reality shows were aired on the TV,and the ever repeating doom that televisions that depends on antennas will no longer work after february 2009.where banks are merging and the car companies are in need of money.of course that means if they run out of money that means thousands of people out of jobs and it in the long run will hurt the economy.I imagine before it is over we will have to bail them out.

as for me and my family we have had a good year,we don't dapper in the stock market so we didn't lose no money there(like we have that kind of money)and our overall health is pretty good and like everything and everyone else we have had our ups and downs but we are still here and going strong-i hope each and everyone of you have a wonderful year and may it be prosperious and healthy.

GOD BLESS EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU- happy new year(2009)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

African American

first of all i am sick and tired of all this political correctness garbage.secondly is all of this i am an African American or I am a native american or I am an asian american.if you live in any of the 50 united states you are an american.
only person i know of that can actually call himself an african american is Mr.Barack Obama because is father was African and his mother is American.majority of African American great great great grandparents were from african not them.Yea i know so what do we call them when it comes down to applications?well whoever came up with black is down right colorblind-the color is brown(there is a few exceptions where there is some who are pitch black)how about me-they say i am white-lmao i am not white-i am caucasian.but i can't go around saying i am irish american because my history goes far far back so they consider me just an american.why does some race get to use their heritage and others not? But while i write I keep trying to think of what they can called the African American instead of that.hmmmmm,black man,brown man(the problem with that is that can also mean asians,middle easterners as well)so I reckon we are back to where this begin at.african american i reckon is the only name we can think of or my solution is just learn their name and call them that-like president elect barack obama-we will call him mister or president obama and not by what his race is.the main reason for writing this is simple-first to grab your attention and secondly forget that they are african,asian or native american,get to know there name and that will get rid of all the rest of the confusion.

okay i am off my soapbox for the night.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

happy holidays

just want to take the time to wish everyone happy holidays-its been a blessed year for our household-and hope and pray that the new year for everyone a prosperous and joyous one.remember this is the time of year we need to be thankful and glad we are still alive and have loves one around.for thoses of you who don't I pray for you and your health and wish you all the best.forget about the commercial side of the holidays and remember why we all celebrate this time of year regardless of your religion or beliefs.

merry Christmas,kwanzaa or Hanukkah and a happy new year.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

first strike force

I am a member of an online clan F.S.F. aka first strike force-i have been with them since july-its one of the many clans available which involves online gaming like cod4,cod5,counter strike source,battlefield 2142,eve,farcry 2,wow,frontlines "ffow",to just name a few-it is really a great community-people are friendly and we are like a big family.we don't always agree about everything and we all don't play the same type of games.we have our ups and downs and there is someone who will be more than willing to help you whether it is a pc problem,a game problem or just problems in general.we have people from all walks of lives and from different countries involved.
I have enjoyed my time with them so far and looking to many more months and years with them.they have been around for many years not exactly how many but i know its been quite a few.we have people from age ranges of 7 years up to 60 years old.so you not to young or to old-if you love to game check us out-the link is on the side of my view blog page.I have met many people on there and still getting to know others.

Monday, November 17, 2008

racist or sexist?

I will admit i didn't vote for Obama/biden or McCain/palin-but i did vote.

I had problems voting for either one cause i kept hearing if u don't vote for my party your are racist or if you don't for my party your are a sexist.i am neither and i have never been one or another.I feel if the person is fit to do the job regardless of their sex,color or religion more power to them.it was hard to follow the election when both parties spend more time attacking the other party for one reason or another.I am sick and tired or the dirt they throw at one another.lets concentrate more on what they are going to do for the country and how they will try to improve the economy and fix what is wrong.instead all you see is ads saying what they are doing wrong.I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY DID 20 YEARS AGO OR EVEN 5 YEARS AGO.i want to know what are they going to be doing the next 4 years as our president.i want to know did they vote for Obama cause they didn't want a female vice president or they really believe he will provide a change for us as a country?I hope it was for the latter.when Mr. Obama won the democratic ticket i already knew he would win.
people are sick and tired of president bush and his policy and knowing Mr.McCain would follow in his footsteps,so Mr.Obama was the obvious choice.

but whoever you voted for i want ya'll to remember to pray for our new leader for his will have 4 years to clean up a mess that took 8 years to make-he has his hands full and it will take more than 1 term to clean it up.he has no easy task ahead of him-love him or hate him he is there for 4 years and as myself i will be praying for him-for he will need alot of strength for being the first black president everything he does or say will be under a microscope-and that is a shame-lets forget about his color and lets look at him as a man who is our president elect and he got there by our votes and he deserves to be there. like i said i did not vote for him but he has my support for the next 4 years as our president. and i will not be watching his every move-that is not my job to judge him or point out his mistakes-(that is God's job)he don't need my help or yours.just pray for him whether you like him or not.and that God will protect him from all the lunatics that should try to get rid of him-


Monday, April 28, 2008

senseless death of our babies

a man dropped 4 of his kids off the dauphin island bridge in Alabama into the gulf of Mexico-all 4 of his kids were found dead from the coast of Alabama all the way to Louisiana.
he did it after a fight with his wife. 

few days later another person did the same up north. every time we open the paper or turn on the news we hear about someone killing their young kids as well as their babies

.what is wrong with theses people?
some plea mentally insane and they get off with a light sentence or in state hospital somewhere.

there need to be something done about this and needs to be done quickly.it is only going to get worse and it needs to be stopped.

but the problem we are facing is how do we stop it?
how do we know what will cause a parent/parents to go off the deep end and dump their kids in the gulf or a river or anywhere for that matter.

can people around them not see theses signs or do they disguise it so well,
or do they just snap from a originally person to someone who had just lost their mind?

how can we prevent this from happening before it happens again and again?
what do we look for?
or how do we spot someone who is on the edge of going over board?

do theses people all of a sudden go from a nice loving person to a child killing maniac?

 how can we help theses kids if we don't know what to look for? 

maybe the authorities or doctors or someone can tell us what to look for.

what can we do on out part to help?

I guess one day they will figure out what cause someone to snap and how we can spot them before another child is lost.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

what next?

after hearing about the fighting among kids and then posting it on you tube.not one on one but a group of kids ganging up against one.it has gotten out of hand and to think our future of this country is in their hands.where was the parents when this was happening?do they no longer care what their children do?of course at writing it has died down and everyone has gone on with their lives like it never happened.are we so numb that after a few days it is old news and no one really cares or have we just got use to the violents and thankful it was not one of us or our kids.its not going to die down in the case of the poor kids who gets ganged up against and the anger it caused the parents.this will keep up until someone say enough!!!!!
parents take responsibilty of your kids and put a stop to it and do it before more get beat up or injured or crippled or dead.this has to stop and it has to start in the home.don't let peer pressue put u as someone who don't want to do this and do it cause u afraid of not being accepted by your peers.stand up and stand out-it has to start with someone so why not you? isn't it time to say enough is enough?or do u care less what is it you next time.what would stop your so call friends to turn against you and do the same? its always not me its always the other person-who do u think the other person is? look in the mirror it could be you next and you will wonder why but it will be to late. before you have to attend a funeral of someone you love or care for or even a sister or a brother or cousin. or even YOU!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

aftermath of tuesday elections

well obama took mississippi by storm.well is that a good thing or a bad thing.apparently to majority of the people here it is a good thing.rumors are they will join forces anyway(clinton and obama)so it will be them versus mccain.who will win i have no ideal-who do i like well in all honesty neither but apparently i will have to vote for one of them.none of them have impress me and i don't know about their policy to know weather or not they will be good or bad for the country and how much is actually lip service.its a shame we have to wait untill they are in office,to bad there isn't a period where we can say wait we change our minds and lets let the other person take over.but once they are in thats it for 4 years.i wish politicians would stop bickering and pointing out the other persons faults and concentrate instead what they are actually going to do for the america people.(besides having their hands in our pockets and taking our hard earn cash)i know there is always a price for having who we want in office.to bad we have to suffer for their mistakes. well enough of my bickering.

Friday, March 07, 2008

the next president of the usa

its down to mr.obama and mrs clinton for the democrat and then mr.mccain for the rep.
i will be honest it is kind of scarey who will win.i still don't know enough about any of them to really know how i will vote.so much going on in the world here on the mississippi gulf coast we are still rebuilding,and next door in louisiana they are still hurting as well.then the war in iraq and the trouble in israel,and the hunt for terroist is still going on without much success.the men and women in uniform are doing a great job i know its not them.its the higher ups.north korea and iran seems they might be a threat.and how about the recall on china made stuff.the next president already has a plateful and they are not even in office yet.do we think any of them will be able to do any good on any of this or will they be overwhelmed?
i wonder how will they be able to put in plan what they want plus take care of the crisis we are already facing.i will not say president bush has not done a good job or say he has done nothing but bad for our country.its just we forget the good he has done after all the bad that has been going on the last few years.we vote and we complain.

i did not vote for him but to try to look at it from both sides of the coin,try to be positive in a negative world.mister bush i know and i realize running a country is no easy task.and i know you are pulled in all kinds of direction and i know sometimes u make decisions because it is demand of you to make.but also on the other hand is there there some things that could of been done differently or handled better. i will condemn you for it is not my place.my great grandmother always taught me to pray for our leaders in office and that i do and will.i try to look for positive things in everyone even when it is hard to do.mr.bush i wish you all the luck in what you do after your term is up,but i just ask you think about your 8 years in office and maybe teach someone down the road some of your knowledge and maybe we can avoid another war in the future. maybe be better prepared for disasters in the future here in the us.maybe teach someone to feed the poor in our country and provide better health care for our people,and how about better education so everyone can have one regardless of race,sex, or religion as well as jobs.stop worrying about the poor in other countries while our people are going hungry and sick and can't afford neither.yes help other countries but what about america? what about our sick jobless hungry people. we can't be a great country when we are down.

thank you

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

meeting people on the internet

here is something i have experience as well as seen since being on the internet the last several people.i have met literally hundreds of people on here in person.now do we ever think when we meet these people in person the safety of ourselves or do they meet the expectations we might have of them?do they look like the pictures we have seen of them or do they look like we imagine they would? I have been to dallas,texas,Ohio,Alabama,mississippi,and other places to meet people in person.have i been disapointed,not at all,they was just friends and we had coffee or dinner and i usually stayed in a hotel and meet with them again the next day.and some people has come here to see me and i put them in the spare bedroom.i been fortunate,never been robbed,harmed or injured in any way.yes there is alot of people who has not been to fortunate.i am sure some people like the way it is and never meet people in person.how real are people in the Internet and are they truly sincere and are they who they say they are.i have met 1 person who was not who they said they was,bogus picture with a bogus life only because they was insecure with themself.figured people would not accept them for what they really looked like. now i am no prince charming with the best looks.i am maybe average which i am sure most people might consider not a good looking man.well my wife thinks i am good looking and to me that is all that matters.yes i like meeting people,would i do it now?well as long there is several people like there was in dallas i would.we all had the same thing in common,we was all meeting there not knowing what to expect at a nice hotel which we all booked individual rooms.we met in a common area so we would be where we feel we was safe. but with sites like friendsters,myspace,yahoo,msn,pogo,gamesville anywhere there is people do we trust them enough to meet them in person.a good question for each individual to ask themself.if you feel threaten or scared or have doubts avoid that person at all cost.not everyone is what they seem.don't jump on a airplane or in a car or train to go see someone you have not known long.use common sense and make sure you don't commit yourself to something you might regret later.better be safe than sorry.the internet can be fun as well as dangerous.use it wisely.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

planting time here in the south.

well another rainy stormy day followed by a warm clear evening.really not much going on other that that.i planted some african daisy as well as some pansies.my confederate roses are starting to come out of hibernation as well as my angels trumpet.hydrangeas are starting to looking healthy as well as the butterfly bushes.another 2 weeks i should be seeing on my amaryllis some flowers.they have been growing pretty fast the last month.my wisterias are starting to wake up up as well.i am looking to getting some double flower confederate roses and some rose of sharon as well.i lost a couple of my cacti through one cold snap we had but other than that they are all looking ggod so far.i am afraid of maybe to much rain but i do have pleny of sand and rocks in with my cacti garden that it should pretty much drain rather quickly.but knowing they rather have a hot sunny day over a rainy one is quite obvious. but i will be adding more cacti in the garden and fixing it where the cold next year does not affect it as much.i have to clean it up some but it will happen as it dries back up.we do need some drier weather so i can finish up with the leaves.but my work it cut out for me.i been doing what i can inbetween raindrops.i am looking forward to having quite a few beautiful plants and flowers in my yard this year.each year i add more and more and do it different every year to not get bored with the same old same.but it been an unusual warm month for us in mississippi.not that we get really cold weather here on the gulf.well i will keep u uptodate as the days goes by hopefully no unexpected cold snap anytime soon.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Ophidiophobia-the fear of snakes

Ophidiophobia or Ophiophobia refers to the fear of snakes. Fear of snakes is sometimes called by a more general term, herpetophobia, fear of reptiles. It is one of the most common phobias, especially under the broader Zoophobia (animal phobias). Care must also be taken to differentiate people who do not like snakes or fear them for their venom or the inherent danger involved. A typical ophidiophobic would not only fear them when in live contact but also dreads to think about them or even see them on TV or in pictures-(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophidiophobia)

ok i printed that and gave credit to where i got it from.but it gives the general ideal what i am talking about.

i myself don't understand the fear of snakes but of course i do have my fears of other things in my life which we won't get into.what draws me to this subject is 1 i love snakes.i have raised columbian red tail boas,ball pythons,corn snakes,milk snakes,and several others in my lifetime.this fear has gotten snakes outlawed in some cities,towns,states and countries.where other fears has not.my choice to keep a snake should be my choice not yours or anyone else.people has pit bulls,rottweiliers,german shepherds,part wolves,which has killed more people that snakes themself.but u don't see them outlawing dogs as a whole.i have nothing against dogs,but i feel if i let u have theses dogs why can't i have my snakes?

now people have several reasons to be afraid of snakes,needless to say venomous snake has not help people to like them.(snakes are not poisonious but venomous-there is a differences)not all snakes are venomous none of the snakes i have own were ever venomous nor had they hurt anyone other than me.but that was due to my stupidity.

i realize there is some people out there who do not need to own snakes or any pet at that.but they do and they do more harm to the animal and their statue of that animal to the public.snakes has been used to scare people and they have been used to describe satan and claim to be slimy and mean.

i have always try to educate people about my pets and letting them look at them and hold them.i have never ever use them to scare people or let anyone use them to scare people with.i have a strict code when it comes to my snakes,if u r afraid of them i will respect your fear and keep them put up.my 3 year old niece loves my snakes and i sit with her and let her hold them and play with them.but i keep an close eye out on them and her as well.she has never been bit or frightened of them.she saw them in the cage and fell in love with them
she asked to hold them-never once did i ever have them out when she came over untill she asked for them to come out.she has gotten attached to them(her mom and dad does not like them)imagine that.

from my personal poll i have taken and seen first hand-the females were less afraid of them then the males.i had about 20 grade school girls having their picture taken with the snakes and not one boy would come near the snakes.i don't understand why that is but it was.when i took them to the high school for my daughter and her friend report on snakes once again the girls loved them and the boy were still afraid.i don't understand why that was.but i was amazed at the results.

i will paste another site for you to check out and how this person did away with the myth and gave you facts.


blogs in general

now i will admit i love reading other people blogs.i love browsing not just here on google but on different sites as well.now i be the first to admit i know very little about blogging and really have no ideal about what is considered blogging.i know i type down my thought and share them.i have read numerous blogs and to many to count.i have gotten a lot of ideals from them but i don't use them for i feel i would be copying them and their style.so i try to feel my way around and figure out where i stand and what makes my blog appealing to the general public.well i don't have numerous pictures or have a subject which i am very well at doing.i could tell you about my 10 years in the army or how i became a disabled vet or maybe a daily blog about my snakes.well snakes unlike most animals do not have a very interesting life.like a dog or cat gets into a lot of things and do interesting things.where a snake pretty much stay curled up untill night time.i could talk about a lot of things but i try to find things that would be interesting to the normal person or average person.now it is hard to find everyone will like.for people in general like several different things in life.not one person is the same and that is what makes us all unique.but i will continue to read blogs and continue to enjoy reading them.maybe just maybe i will find where i belong and something will pull me in the right direction.untill then i will continue to get ideals and see how i fit in the schemes of things.any ideals out there i can use all the help i can i get. thank you