Thursday, June 02, 2005


Mr. Manson was down here in biloxi a year or so ago. I was really shocked at the way people acted toward this man and his music. I am not a fan of his music myself but I was appalled at the growns-up (my age group 44 years of age and up) who demostrated against his type of music and his songs like the anti Christ song.(which I feel they should actually listen to his music before they condemn it.(which I did )and I still don't condemn it.parents of theses kids bought tickets to the concert to keep kids from going.

how exactly does this hurt him. Don't theses people realize that the ticket sales help him more than it hurts him? He gets pay regardless if he sings in front of 1 person or a they think buying his tickets might just keep the kids out(yeah right) but they are still putting money in his hands as well as everyone who promoted his music.

now remember theses are the same parents who grew up on pink Floyd,Alice cooper(his face paint and animal heads being bit off(bats,rats and snakes)) Ozzie Osborne with black Sabbath. What our parents called the devil music. KISS-which suppose to mean "kids in Satan service" or "kings in Satan service" which it didn't mean either one. Theses are the same parents who condemn them and us for listening to satanic music-geez(the bands I listed are just a few of the many many bands we was not allowed to listen to.,) now here there are doing just what their parents did to them.

people its called shock rock-mr.manson is nothing like you portray he to more than pink Floyd,Alice cooper,black Sabbath,Ozzie Osborne and KISS to name just a few.
its called entertainment,another type of music freedom of speech.GET OVER IT.

chill out,lay back and put on the latest mr.manson's CD and enjoy might just find out you like his music.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

beautiful kat Posted by Hello

gotcha Posted by Hello


I have noticed that everytime I look at the paper or look at the news on t.v. or on the internet that someone has abused a child sexually. A 19 year old man sexually molested a 6 week old female baby.the baby suffered a broken collar bone,numerous injuries on the inside of her.

a girl meets a stranger from off the internet and she is molested,and then killed and they find the body maybe days or weeks or even years later. Why do we allow this to happen.

there is 65,000 pedophiles who are unaccounted for,they give phony address when they are paroled or they move after 6 months or less.there is no current system to keep track of theses convicts that are paroled.

the police are understaffed,underfunded,and the politicians refuse to help with the problem. The only time anything is done is when this person commits another crime and then it is to late.when do we as the people decide enough is enough.we do nothing until it is one of our own kids or maybe a loved one or someone we long are we going to keep our head stuck in the sand?

how many of theses people live in your neighborhood or in your apartment complex? Do you really know or care. Its time we protect our love ones before it is to late.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Racial killings uncalled for

I was in the emergency room at the V.A. hospital when this came across the television screen and it really made me Lockheed at meridian,Mississippi a man came into his place of work and started killing black women and man. They talked how he went up to each of them and shot them.some were killed and some were badly injured. A black man showed where part of his hand was shot off as he tried to stop this lunatic.

now when they interview one of the top dogs of Lockheed he said it was not a racial killing,
and when he was asked about the complaints that he had received months earlier about this man and his hatred of blacks or African Americans. He had no comments.

written reports were delivered to theses people of his hatred,his threats,his used of slangs such as nigger,darkies and other racial slurs.(I apologies for the used of theses words but I use them to only to repeat what this so called unracial incident was said.)

Lockheed has very strict guidelines against any racial,threats ect ect used by their employees or employers to one another.what a joke this guideline was,apparently it was okay for this man to do so as he kept his job up until he shot himself after he killed and wounded many of his coworkers in cold blood.
is this going to continue to be allowed in our work place? I am a white male who thankfully is retired. I can't even start to imagine how the family and loved ones are affected from this senseless crime.

my heart and prayers go out to everyone of them.